--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ containers:
+ - name: google
+ image: google/cloud-sdk
+ #imagePullPolicy: Always
+ # this or any command that is
+ # bascially a noop is required, this is so that you don't overwrite the
+ # entrypoint of the base container
+ command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "512M"
+ cpu: "500m"
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ containers:
+ - name: jnlp
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "600M"
+ cpu: "550m"
--- /dev/null
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ containers:
+ - name: kaniko
+ image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug
+ #imagePullPolicy: Always
+ command:
+ - /busybox/cat
+ tty: true
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "2048M"
+ cpu: "1000m"
+ ephemeral-storage: "5Gi"
--- /dev/null
+import groovy.io.FileType
+variables = System.getenv()
+File dir = new File(".")
+def files = []
+dir.eachFileRecurse FileType.FILES, {
+ if (it.name =~ /\.template$/ ) {
+ files << it
+ }
+for (file in files) {
+ println(file)
+ content = file.text
+ def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
+ content = engine.createTemplate(content).make(variables).toString()
+ print("new content:" + content)
+ target = new File(file.absolutePath.replaceAll('\\.template$', ""))
+ target.text = content
--- /dev/null
+package org.wamblee.jenkins.pipelinelib
+import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
+import org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.SafeConstructor
+ Original reference:
+ https://github.com/OndraZizka/yaml-merge/blob/master/src/main/java/org/cobbzilla/util/yml/YmlMerger.java
+ */
+class MyYaml {
+ private final Yaml parser
+ MyYaml() {
+ parser = new Yaml(new SafeConstructor())
+ }
+ String merge(List<String> yamls) {
+ Map<String, Object> mergedResult = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
+ for (yaml in yamls) {
+ final Map<String, Object> yamlToMerge = parser.load(yaml)
+ // Merge into results map.
+ mergeStructures(mergedResult, yamlToMerge)
+ }
+ return parser.dump(mergedResult)
+ }
+ private static Object addToMergedResult(Map<String, Object> mergedResult, String key, Object yamlValue) {
+ return mergedResult.put(key, yamlValue)
+ }
+ private static IllegalArgumentException unknownValueType(String key, Object yamlValue) {
+ final String msg = "Cannot mergeYamlFiles element of unknown type: " + key + ": " + yamlValue.getClass().getName()
+ return new IllegalArgumentException(msg)
+ }
+ private void mergeLists(Map<String, Object> mergedResult, String key, Object yamlValue) {
+ if (!(yamlValue instanceof List && mergedResult.get(key) instanceof List)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot mergeYamlFiles a list with a non-list: " + key)
+ }
+ List<Object> originalList = (List<Object>) mergedResult.get(key)
+ // original implementation
+ // originalList.addAll((List<Object>) yamlValue)
+ // my implementation
+ // below is non-standard approach as I assume a key:value mapping called (name->value) to identify a Map
+ List<Object> yamlList = (List<Object>) yamlValue
+ Map<String, Object> originalCache = new LinkedHashMap<>()
+ String name
+ for (ori in originalList) {
+ if (ori instanceof Map) {
+ name = ori.get('name')
+ if (name) {
+ originalCache.put(name, ori)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def merged
+ for (item in yamlList) {
+ merged = false
+ if (item instanceof Map) {
+ name = item.get('name')
+ if (name && originalCache.containsKey(name)) {
+ mergeStructures((Map<String, Object>) originalCache.get(name), (Map<String, Object>) item)
+ merged = true
+ }
+ }
+ if (!merged) {
+ originalList.add(item)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void mergeStructures(Map<String, Object> targetTree, Map<String, Object> sourceTree) {
+ if (sourceTree == null) return
+ for (String key : sourceTree.keySet()) {
+ Object yamlValue = sourceTree.get(key)
+ if (yamlValue == null) {
+ addToMergedResult(targetTree, key, yamlValue)
+ continue
+ }
+ Object existingValue = targetTree.get(key);
+ if (existingValue != null) {
+ if (yamlValue instanceof Map) {
+ if (existingValue instanceof Map) {
+ mergeStructures((Map<String, Object>) existingValue, (Map<String, Object>) yamlValue);
+ } else if (existingValue instanceof String) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot mergeYamlFiles complex element into a simple element: " + key)
+ } else {
+ throw unknownValueType(key, yamlValue)
+ }
+ } else if (yamlValue instanceof List) {
+ mergeLists(targetTree, key, yamlValue)
+ } else if (yamlValue instanceof String
+ || yamlValue instanceof Boolean
+ || yamlValue instanceof Double
+ || yamlValue instanceof Integer) {
+ addToMergedResult(targetTree, key, yamlValue)
+ } else {
+ throw unknownValueType(key, yamlValue)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (yamlValue instanceof Map
+ || yamlValue instanceof List
+ || yamlValue instanceof String
+ || yamlValue instanceof Boolean
+ || yamlValue instanceof Integer
+ || yamlValue instanceof Double) {
+ addToMergedResult(targetTree, key, yamlValue)
+ } else {
+ throw unknownValueType(key, yamlValue)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// inspired/copied from https://github.com/liejuntao001/jenkins-k8sagent-lib
+import org.wamblee.jenkins.pipelinelib.MyYaml
+// containers: comma-separated list of containers to include. The order of the containers i
+// important. Each container in the list corresponds to a yaml file in the podtemplates resource
+// resource directory.
+// repo: docker repo, default is the repo configured in the CONTAINER_REGISTRY environment variable
+// version: version to use, defaults to BRANCH_NAME
+// label: label to use for the agent. Defaults to the stage name if the agent is configured within a stage,
+// otherwise the job name is used.
+// All of the arguments specified in the call to agentsetup are passed without change to the
+// pod template files and can be accessed in the yaml file as ${name} where name is the
+// argument name.
+def call(Map args) {
+ def defaults = [
+ version: env.BRANCH_NAME,
+ label: env.STAGE_NAME ? env.STAGE_NAME: env.JOB_NAME,
+ idleMinutes: 0,
+ defaultContainer: null // initialized to first container later on
+ ]
+ args.label = env.JOB_NAME
+ if (env.STAGE_NAME) {
+ args.label = args.label + "-" + env.STAGE_NAME
+ }
+ args = defaults << args
+ // combine the configured application templates
+ def containers = args.containers.split(',').toList()
+ // always include the jnlp container to increase resource requirements.
+ // Otherwise, the checkout will be slow because of the limite amount of cpu that is
+ // reserverd.
+ if (!args.defaultContainer) {
+ args.defaultContainer = containers[0]
+ }
+ containers = containers.plus(0, 'jnlp')
+ args.label = args.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-")
+ println("agentsetup: containers to include: " + containers)
+ println("agentsetup: label '${args.label}'")
+ // all args are available to the templates
+ Map template_vars = args
+ def templates = []
+ for (container in containers ) {
+ template = libraryResource 'podtemplates/' + container + '.yaml'
+ template = renderTemplate(template, template_vars)
+ templates.add(template)
+ }
+ def myyaml = new MyYaml()
+ def final_template = myyaml.merge(templates)
+ ret = [:]
+ ret.idleMinutes = args.idleMinutes
+ ret.label = args.label
+ ret.yaml = final_template
+ ret.defaultContainer = args.defaultContainer
+ println('agentsetup: parameters returned' + ret);
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+def call(Map args) {
+ def defaults = [
+ version: env.BRANCH_NAME,
+ repo: 'europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/prod-cobundu-datascience-eu/ds',
+ ]
+ args = defaults << args
+ """
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ containers:
+ - name: ${args.application}
+ image: ${args.repo}/${args.application}:${args.version}
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "512M"
+ cpu: "2000m"
+ """
--- /dev/null
+// Builds a docker container. This requires the kaniko container to be included using agentsetup
+// Mandatory arguments:
+// - context: the relative path in the source repository to the directory where the docker file is located
+// - container: the name of the container to build
+// Optional arguments:
+// - cache: Whether to use the cache for building containers. Defaults to true
+// - dockerfile: Name of the docker file in the context directory. Defaults to Dockerfile
+// - repo: Repository to publish container to. Defaults to the CONTAINER_REGISTRY environment variable
+// - version: Container version to build. Default to the value of the BRANCH_NAME variable
+def call(Map args) {
+ def defaults = [
+ cache: true,
+ cachettl: "100000h",
+ dockerfile: 'Dockerfile',
+ version: env.BRANCH_NAME
+ ]
+ args = defaults << args
+ container('kaniko') {
+ sh """
+ echo "Building container with settings: ${args}"
+ /kaniko/executor --dockerfile ${args.dockerfile} --cache=${args.cache} --cache-ttl=${args.cachettl} --context \$( pwd )/${args.context} --destination ${args.repo}/${args.container}:${args.version}
+ """
+ }
--- /dev/null
+def call(String name) {
+ echo "Hello, ${name}"
--- /dev/null
+def call(Map args) {
+ def defaults = [
+ version: env.BRANCH_NAME,
+ repo: 'europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/prod-cobundu-datascience-eu/ds',
+ ]
+ args = defaults << args
+ ret = [:]
+ ret["label"] = args.application + ":" + args.version
+ ret["yaml"] = """
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Pod
+ containers:
+ - name: ${args.application}
+ image: ${args.repo}/${args.application}:${args.version}
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "512M"
+ cpu: "2000m"
+ - name: jnlp
+ resources:
+ requests:
+ memory: "600M"
+ cpu: "550m"
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+// inspired/copied from https://github.com/liejuntao001/jenkins-k8sagent-lib
+import org.wamblee.jenkins.pipelinelib.MyYaml
+// containers: comma-separated list of containers to include. The order of the containers i
+// important. Each container in the list corresponds to a yaml file in the podtemplates resource
+// resource directory.
+// repo: docker repo, default is the repo configured in the CONTAINER_REGISTRY environment variable
+// version: version to use, defaults to BRANCH_NAME
+// label: label to use for the agent. Defaults to the stage name if the agent is configured within a stage,
+// otherwise the job name is used.
+// All of the arguments specified in the call to agentsetup are passed without change to the
+// pod template files and can be accessed in the yaml file as ${name} where name is the
+// argument name.
+def call(Map args) {
+ def defaults = [
+ version: env.BRANCH_NAME,
+ label: env.STAGE_NAME ? env.STAGE_NAME: env.JOB_NAME,
+ ]
+ if (!args) {
+ args = [:]
+ }
+ args.label = env.JOB_NAME
+ if (env.STAGE_NAME) {
+ args.label = args.label + "-" + env.STAGE_NAME
+ }
+ args = defaults << args
+ // combine the configured application templates
+ args.label = args.label.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-")
+ command = ""
+ command += '''
+ files="$( find . -name '*.template' )"
+ for file in $files
+ do
+ base="$( dirname "$file")/$( basename "$file" .template )"
+ cat "$file" '''
+ for (key in args.keySet()) {
+ command += """ | sed 's|\\\$${key}|${args[key]}|g' """
+ }
+ command += ''' > "$file.tmp"
+ mv "$file.tmp" "$base"
+ done
+ '''
+ println "processresources: ${args}"
+ println "processresources: $command"
+ sh "$command"
--- /dev/null
+import groovy.text.StreamingTemplateEngine
+def call(input, variables) {
+ def engine = new StreamingTemplateEngine()
+ return engine.createTemplate(input).make(variables).toString()