public class ContainerTest extends TestCase {
- private EventTracker<String> _tracker;
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- _tracker = new EventTracker<String>();
- }
- private static class MyMultiple implements Serializable, Runnable {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- // Empty
- }
- }
- private List<Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>> createProvidedInput(
- ProvidedInterface[] aProvided, Component aProvider) {
- List<Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>>();
- for (ProvidedInterface provided : aProvided) {
- result.add(new Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>(provided,
- aProvider));
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void testEnvironmentApplication() {
- Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
- Application application = new Application(_tracker);
- Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
- environment, application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[0]);
- Scope scope = container.start();
- assertTrue(container.isSealed());
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
- "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
- Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- assertEquals(0, scope.getProvidedInterfaces().size());
- assertEquals(environment.getString(), application.getString());
- assertEquals(environment.getInteger(), application.getInteger());
- }
- public void testEnvironmentApplicationSimpleConstructor() {
- Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
- Application application = new Application(_tracker);
- Container container = new Container("root").addComponent(environment)
- .addComponent(application);
- Scope scope = container.start();
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
- "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
- Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- assertEquals(0, scope.getProvidedInterfaces().size());
- assertEquals(environment.getString(), application.getString());
- assertEquals(environment.getInteger(), application.getInteger());
- }
- public void testApplicationEnvironment() {
- try {
- Component<?> environment = new Environment();
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
- application, environment }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[0]);
- container.start();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- // e.printStackTrace();
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testComposite() {
- Component<?> environment = new Environment(_tracker);
- Component<?> application = new Application(_tracker);
- assertEquals(0, _tracker.getEventCount());
- Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] { environment,
- application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[0]);
- Scope runtime = system.start();
- List<RequiredInterface> required = system.getRequiredInterfaces();
- assertEquals(0, required.size());
- List<ProvidedInterface> provided = system.getProvidedInterfaces();
- assertEquals(0, provided.size());
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
- "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
- Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- _tracker.clear();
- system.stop(runtime);
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "stop.application",
- "stop.environment" }, _tracker
- .getEvents(Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- }
- public void testCompositeWithWrongProvidedInfo() {
- try {
- Component<?> environment = new Environment();
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] {
- environment, application },
- new ProvidedInterface[] { new DefaultProvidedInterface(
- "float", Float.class) },
- new DefaultRequiredInterface[0]);
- system.validate();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testCompositeRequiredInterfaceNotProvided() {
- try {
- Component<?> environment = new Environment();
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] {
- environment, application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[] { new DefaultRequiredInterface(
- "string", String.class) });
- system.start();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testCompositeWithSuperfluousRequiredInfo() {
- Component<?> environment = new Environment();
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] { environment,
- application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[] { new DefaultRequiredInterface("float",
- Float.class) });
- system.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0)
- .setProvider(new DefaultProvidedInterface("hallo", Float.class));
- system.start();
- List<RequiredInterface> required = system.getRequiredInterfaces();
- assertEquals(1, required.size());
- List<ProvidedInterface> provided = system.getProvidedInterfaces();
- assertEquals(0, provided.size());
- }
- public void testCompositeWithExternalDependencesNotProvided() {
- try {
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("all",
- new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- application.getRequiredInterfaces().toArray(new RequiredInterface[0]));
- system.start();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testDuplicateComponent() {
- try {
- Component<?> comp1 = new Application();
- Component<?> comp2 = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("top");
- system.addComponent(comp1).addComponent(comp2);
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testInconsistentHierarchy() {
- try {
- Component<?> comp = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("top").addComponent(comp);
- Container system2 = new Container("top2").addComponent(comp);
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testCompositeWithExternalDependencesProvided() {
- Component<?> environment = new Environment();
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("all",
- new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- application.getRequiredInterfaces().toArray(new RequiredInterface[0]));
- environment.start(new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]));
- system.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(environment
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
- system.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(environment
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(1));
- system.start();
- List<RequiredInterface> required = system.getRequiredInterfaces();
- assertEquals(2, required.size());
- List<ProvidedInterface> provided = system.getProvidedInterfaces();
- assertEquals(0, provided.size());
- }
- public void testAmbiguousInterfaces() {
- try {
- Component<?> environment1 = new Environment();
- Component<?> environment2 = new Environment();
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
- environment1, environment2, application },
- new ProvidedInterface[0], new RequiredInterface[0]);
- container.start();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testIncompleteRequirements() {
- try {
- Component<?> application = new Application();
- Container system = new Container("all",
- new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[0]);
- system.start();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testEnvironmentApplicationRollbackOnException()
- throws Exception {
- IMocksControl control = EasyMock.createStrictControl();
- Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
- Application application = control.createMock(Application.class,
- new ConstructorArgs(Application.class.getConstructor()),
- Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("doStart", Scope.class));
- application.doStart(EasyMockMatchers.anyObject(Scope.class));
- EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new RuntimeException());
- control.replay();
- try {
- Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
- environment, application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- new RequiredInterface[0]);
- container.start();
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
- "stop.environment" }, _tracker.getEvents(
- Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testEnvironmentApplicationRollbackOnExceptionWithExceptionOnStop()
- throws Exception {
- IMocksControl control = EasyMock.createControl();
- Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
- // Application 1 will throw an exception while stopping.
- Application application1 = control.createMock(Application.class,
- new ConstructorArgs(Application.class.getConstructor()),
- Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("doStop", Object.class));
- application1.doStop(EasyMock.anyObject());
- EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new RuntimeException());
- // application 2 will throw an exception while starting
- Application application2 = control.createMock(Application.class,
- new ConstructorArgs(Application.class
- .getConstructor(String.class), "application2"),
- Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("doStart", Scope.class));
- application2.doStart(EasyMockMatchers.anyObject(Scope.class));
- EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new RuntimeException());
- control.replay();
- try {
- Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
- environment, application1, application2 },
- new ProvidedInterface[0], new RequiredInterface[0]);
- container.start();
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
- "stop.environment" }, _tracker.getEvents(
- Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testOptionalRequiredInterfaceProvidedOptionalInternal() {
- Application application = new Application(true);
- Container container = new Container("top",
- new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- Application.required(true));
- Environment env = new Environment();
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(env
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(env
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(1));
- Scope external = new DefaultScope(env.getProvidedInterfaces());
- env.start(external);
- container.start(external);
- assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), container
- .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
- assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1), container
- .getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
- assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), application
- .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
- assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1), application
- .getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
- }
- public void testOptionalRequiredInterfaceNotProvidedOptionalInternal() {
- Application application = new Application(true);
- Container container = new Container("top",
- new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- Application.required(true));
- Environment env = new Environment();
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(env
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
- Scope external = new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]);
- external.publishInterface(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), env
- .getString());
- container.start(external);
- assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), container
- .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
- assertNull(container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
- assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), application
- .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
- assertNull(application.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
- }
- public void testOptionalRequiredInterfaceProvidedMandatoryInternal() {
- Application application = new Application();
- Container container = new Container("top",
- new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
- Application.required(true));
- Environment env = new Environment();
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(env
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(env
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(1));
- try {
- container.start();
- } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
- return;
- }
- fail();
- }
- public void testSealed() {
- final Container container = new Container("xx");
- assertFalse(container.isSealed());
- container.start();
- assertTrue(container.isSealed());
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.addComponent(new Application());
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectRequiredProvided("x", "y", "a", "b");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectExternalRequired("x", "y", "a");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectExternalProvided("x", "y", "z");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.addProvidedInterface(new DefaultProvidedInterface(
- "xx", String.class));
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface(
- "xx", String.class));
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- }
- public void testRestriction() {
- Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
- Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
- Application app = new Application("app");
- Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
- .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app", null, "env1", null);
- container.start();
- assertEquals(env1.getString(), app.getString());
- assertEquals(env1.getInteger(), app.getInteger());
- assertFalse(env2.getString().equals(app.getString()));
- assertFalse(env2.getInteger().equals(app.getInteger()));
- }
- public void testRestrictionWithFromAndToInterfaceName() {
- Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
- Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
- Application app = new Application("app");
- Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
- .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app", app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName(),
- "env1", env1.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName());
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app", app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getName(),
- "env2", env2.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1).getName());
- container.start();
- assertEquals(env1.getString(), app.getString());
- assertEquals(env2.getInteger(), app.getInteger());
- assertFalse(env2.getString().equals(app.getString()));
- assertFalse(env1.getInteger().equals(app.getInteger()));
- }
- public void testRestrictionWrongComponentNames() {
- Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
- Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
- Application app = new Application("app");
- final Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
- .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app2", null, "env1", null);
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app", null, "env3", null);
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- }
- public void testRestrictionWrongInterfaceNames() {
- final Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
- Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
- final Application app = new Application("app");
- final Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
- .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app",
- app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName() + "xxx", "env1", null);
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectRequiredProvided("app", null, "env1",
- env1.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName() + "yyy");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- }
- public void testProvidedInDifferentScopes() {
- // Scoping problem occurred. Externally and internally provided
- // components clashed
- // because unique id generation in the scope was wrong.
- StringComponent str = new StringComponent("string");
- Application app = new Application("app");
- Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(str)
- .addComponent(app);
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("integer",
- Integer.class));
- ProvidedInterface provided = new DefaultProvidedInterface("hallo",
- Integer.class);
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(provided);
- Scope external = new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]);
- external.publishInterface(provided, 100);
- Scope scope = container.start(external);
- }
- public void testProvidedInterfaces() {
- Environment env = new Environment(_tracker);
- Container envcontainer = new Container("0").addComponent(env)
- .addProvidedInterface(
- new DefaultProvidedInterface("string", String.class))
- .addProvidedInterface(
- new DefaultProvidedInterface("integer", Integer.class));
- Scope scope = envcontainer.start();
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment" },
- _tracker.getEvents(Thread.currentThread()).toArray(
- new String[0]));
- envcontainer.stop(scope);
- }
- public void testCoupleTwoContainers() {
- Environment env = new Environment(_tracker);
- Container envcontainer = new Container("0").addComponent(env)
- .addProvidedInterface(
- new DefaultProvidedInterface("string", String.class))
- .addProvidedInterface(
- new DefaultProvidedInterface("integer", Integer.class));
- Application app = new Application(_tracker);
- Container appcontainer = new Container("1").addComponent(app)
- .addRequiredInterface(
- new DefaultRequiredInterface("string", String.class))
- .addRequiredInterface(
- new DefaultRequiredInterface("integer", Integer.class));
- Container top = new Container("top");
- top.addComponent(envcontainer).addComponent(appcontainer);
- top.start();
- AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
- "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
- Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
- }
- public void testNonUniqueRequiredInterface() {
- final Container container = new Container("top");
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("i",
- Integer.class));
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("x",
- String.class));
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("y",
- String.class));
- Application app = new Application("1");
- container.addComponent(app);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.start();
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- container.connectExternalRequired("1", app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0)
- .getName(), "y");
- ProvidedInterface i = new DefaultProvidedInterface("i", Integer.class);
- ProvidedInterface x = new DefaultProvidedInterface("x", String.class);
- ProvidedInterface y = new DefaultProvidedInterface("y", String.class);
- Scope externalScope = new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]);
- externalScope.publishInterface(i, 100);
- externalScope.publishInterface(x, "x-value");
- externalScope.publishInterface(y, "y-value");
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(i);
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(x);
- container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(2).setProvider(y);
- Scope runtime = container.start(externalScope);
- assertEquals("y-value", app.getString());
- }
- public void testNonUniqueRequiredInterfaceWrongNames() {
- final Container container = new Container("top");
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("i",
- Integer.class));
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("x",
- String.class));
- container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("y",
- String.class));
- final Application app = new Application("1");
- container.addComponent(app);
- // wrong component name.
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectExternalRequired("2", "x", "y");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- // Wrong interface name of component.
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectExternalRequired("1",
- app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName() + "xxx", "y");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- // Wrong external interface name of container
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.connectExternalRequired("1",
- app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName(), "z");
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- }
- public void testNonUniqueProvidedInterface() {
- final Container container = new Container("top")
- .addProvidedInterface(new DefaultProvidedInterface("external",
- String.class));
- Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
- Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
- container.addComponent(env1);
- container.addComponent(env2);
- AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
- @Override
- public void run() throws Exception {
- container.start();
- }
- }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
- // now choose env2
- container.connectExternalProvided(container.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0)
- .getName(), env2.getName(), env2.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0)
- .getName());
- Scope scope = container.start();
- // check the value of the provided interface of the container
- String value = scope.getInterfaceImplementation(container
- .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), String.class);
- assertNotNull(value);
- assertEquals(value, env2.getString());
- assertFalse(value.equals(env1.getString()));
- }
+ private EventTracker<String> _tracker;
+ @Override
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ _tracker = new EventTracker<String>();
+ }
+ private static class MyMultiple implements Serializable, Runnable {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ // Empty
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>> createProvidedInput(
+ ProvidedInterface[] aProvided, Component aProvider) {
+ List<Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>>();
+ for (ProvidedInterface provided : aProvided) {
+ result.add(new Pair<ProvidedInterface, Component>(provided,
+ aProvider));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public void testEnvironmentApplication() {
+ Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
+ Application application = new Application(_tracker);
+ Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
+ environment, application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ Scope scope = container.start();
+ assertTrue(container.isSealed());
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
+ "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
+ Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ assertEquals(0, scope.getProvidedInterfaces().size());
+ assertEquals(environment.getString(), application.getString());
+ assertEquals(environment.getInteger(), application.getInteger());
+ }
+ public void testEnvironmentApplicationSimpleConstructor() {
+ Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
+ Application application = new Application(_tracker);
+ Container container = new Container("root").addComponent(environment)
+ .addComponent(application);
+ Scope scope = container.start();
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
+ "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
+ Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ assertEquals(0, scope.getProvidedInterfaces().size());
+ assertEquals(environment.getString(), application.getString());
+ assertEquals(environment.getInteger(), application.getInteger());
+ }
+ public void testApplicationEnvironment() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> environment = new Environment();
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
+ application, environment }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ container.start();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ // e.printStackTrace();
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testComposite() {
+ Component<?> environment = new Environment(_tracker);
+ Component<?> application = new Application(_tracker);
+ assertEquals(0, _tracker.getEventCount());
+ Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] { environment,
+ application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ Scope runtime = system.start();
+ List<RequiredInterface> required = system.getRequiredInterfaces();
+ assertEquals(0, required.size());
+ List<ProvidedInterface> provided = system.getProvidedInterfaces();
+ assertEquals(0, provided.size());
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
+ "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
+ Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ _tracker.clear();
+ system.stop(runtime);
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "stop.application",
+ "stop.environment" }, _tracker
+ .getEvents(Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ }
+ public void testCompositeWithWrongProvidedInfo() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> environment = new Environment();
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] {
+ environment, application },
+ new ProvidedInterface[] { new DefaultProvidedInterface(
+ "float", Float.class) },
+ new DefaultRequiredInterface[0]);
+ system.validate();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testCompositeRequiredInterfaceNotProvided() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> environment = new Environment();
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] {
+ environment, application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[] { new DefaultRequiredInterface(
+ "string", String.class) });
+ system.start();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testCompositeWithSuperfluousRequiredInfo() {
+ Component<?> environment = new Environment();
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("all", new Component[] { environment,
+ application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[] { new DefaultRequiredInterface("float",
+ Float.class) });
+ system.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(
+ new DefaultProvidedInterface("hallo", Float.class));
+ system.start();
+ List<RequiredInterface> required = system.getRequiredInterfaces();
+ assertEquals(1, required.size());
+ List<ProvidedInterface> provided = system.getProvidedInterfaces();
+ assertEquals(0, provided.size());
+ }
+ public void testCompositeWithExternalDependencesNotProvided() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("all",
+ new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ application.getRequiredInterfaces().toArray(
+ new RequiredInterface[0]));
+ system.start();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testDuplicateComponent() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> comp1 = new Application();
+ Component<?> comp2 = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("top");
+ system.addComponent(comp1).addComponent(comp2);
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testInconsistentHierarchy() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> comp = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("top").addComponent(comp);
+ Container system2 = new Container("top2").addComponent(comp);
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testCompositeWithExternalDependencesProvided() {
+ Component<?> environment = new Environment();
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("all",
+ new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ application.getRequiredInterfaces().toArray(
+ new RequiredInterface[0]));
+ environment.start(new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]));
+ system.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(
+ environment.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
+ system.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(
+ environment.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1));
+ system.start();
+ List<RequiredInterface> required = system.getRequiredInterfaces();
+ assertEquals(2, required.size());
+ List<ProvidedInterface> provided = system.getProvidedInterfaces();
+ assertEquals(0, provided.size());
+ }
+ public void testAmbiguousInterfaces() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> environment1 = new Environment();
+ Component<?> environment2 = new Environment();
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
+ environment1, environment2, application },
+ new ProvidedInterface[0], new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ container.start();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testIncompleteRequirements() {
+ try {
+ Component<?> application = new Application();
+ Container system = new Container("all",
+ new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ system.start();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testEnvironmentApplicationRollbackOnException()
+ throws Exception {
+ IMocksControl control = EasyMock.createStrictControl();
+ Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
+ Application application = control.createMock(Application.class,
+ new ConstructorArgs(Application.class.getConstructor()),
+ Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("doStart", Scope.class));
+ application.doStart(EasyMockMatchers.anyObject(Scope.class));
+ EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new RuntimeException());
+ control.replay();
+ try {
+ Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
+ environment, application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ container.start();
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
+ "stop.environment" }, _tracker.getEvents(
+ Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testEnvironmentApplicationRollbackOnExceptionWithExceptionOnStop()
+ throws Exception {
+ IMocksControl control = EasyMock.createControl();
+ Environment environment = new Environment(_tracker);
+ // Application 1 will throw an exception while stopping.
+ Application application1 = control.createMock(Application.class,
+ new ConstructorArgs(Application.class.getConstructor()),
+ Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("doStop", Object.class));
+ application1.doStop(EasyMock.anyObject());
+ EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new RuntimeException());
+ // application 2 will throw an exception while starting
+ Application application2 = control.createMock(Application.class,
+ new ConstructorArgs(Application.class
+ .getConstructor(String.class), "application2"),
+ Application.class.getDeclaredMethod("doStart", Scope.class));
+ application2.doStart(EasyMockMatchers.anyObject(Scope.class));
+ EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new RuntimeException());
+ control.replay();
+ try {
+ Container container = new Container("root", new Component[] {
+ environment, application1, application2 },
+ new ProvidedInterface[0], new RequiredInterface[0]);
+ container.start();
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
+ "stop.environment" }, _tracker.getEvents(
+ Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testOptionalRequiredInterfaceProvidedOptionalInternal() {
+ Application application = new Application(true);
+ Container container = new Container("top",
+ new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ Application.required(true));
+ Environment env = new Environment();
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(
+ env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(
+ env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1));
+ Scope external = new DefaultScope(env.getProvidedInterfaces());
+ env.start(external);
+ container.start(external);
+ assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), container
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
+ assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1), container
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
+ assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), application
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
+ assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1), application
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
+ }
+ public void testOptionalRequiredInterfaceNotProvidedOptionalInternal() {
+ Application application = new Application(true);
+ Container container = new Container("top",
+ new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ Application.required(true));
+ Environment env = new Environment();
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(
+ env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
+ Scope external = new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]);
+ external.publishInterface(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), env
+ .getString());
+ container.start(external);
+ assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), container
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
+ assertNull(container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
+ assertSame(env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), application
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getProvider());
+ assertNull(application.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).getProvider());
+ }
+ public void testOptionalRequiredInterfaceProvidedMandatoryInternal() {
+ Application application = new Application();
+ Container container = new Container("top",
+ new Component[] { application }, new ProvidedInterface[0],
+ Application.required(true));
+ Environment env = new Environment();
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(
+ env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0));
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(
+ env.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1));
+ try {
+ container.start();
+ } catch (SystemAssemblyException e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fail();
+ }
+ public void testSealed() {
+ final Container container = new Container("xx");
+ assertFalse(container.isSealed());
+ container.start();
+ assertTrue(container.isSealed());
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.addComponent(new Application());
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("x", "y", "a", "b");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalRequired("x", "y", "a");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalProvided("x", "y", "z");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.addProvidedInterface(new DefaultProvidedInterface(
+ "xx", String.class));
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface(
+ "xx", String.class));
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ }
+ public void testRestriction() {
+ Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
+ Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
+ Application app = new Application("app");
+ Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
+ .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app", null, "env1", null);
+ container.start();
+ assertEquals(env1.getString(), app.getString());
+ assertEquals(env1.getInteger(), app.getInteger());
+ assertFalse(env2.getString().equals(app.getString()));
+ assertFalse(env2.getInteger().equals(app.getInteger()));
+ }
+ public void testRestrictionWithFromAndToInterfaceName() {
+ Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
+ Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
+ Application app = new Application("app");
+ Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
+ .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app", app.getRequiredInterfaces()
+ .get(0).getName(), "env1", env1.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0)
+ .getName());
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app", app.getRequiredInterfaces()
+ .get(1).getName(), "env2", env2.getProvidedInterfaces().get(1)
+ .getName());
+ container.start();
+ assertEquals(env1.getString(), app.getString());
+ assertEquals(env2.getInteger(), app.getInteger());
+ assertFalse(env2.getString().equals(app.getString()));
+ assertFalse(env1.getInteger().equals(app.getInteger()));
+ }
+ public void testRestrictionWrongComponentNames() {
+ Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
+ Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
+ Application app = new Application("app");
+ final Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
+ .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app2", null, "env1", null);
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app", null, "env3", null);
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ }
+ public void testRestrictionWrongInterfaceNames() {
+ final Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
+ Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
+ final Application app = new Application("app");
+ final Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(env1)
+ .addComponent(env2).addComponent(app);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app", app
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName()
+ + "xxx", "env1", null);
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectRequiredProvided("app", null, "env1", env1
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName()
+ + "yyy");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ }
+ public void testProvidedInDifferentScopes() {
+ // Scoping problem occurred. Externally and internally provided
+ // components clashed
+ // because unique id generation in the scope was wrong.
+ StringComponent str = new StringComponent("string");
+ Application app = new Application("app");
+ Container container = new Container("top").addComponent(str)
+ .addComponent(app);
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("integer",
+ Integer.class));
+ ProvidedInterface provided = new DefaultProvidedInterface("hallo",
+ Integer.class);
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(provided);
+ Scope external = new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]);
+ external.publishInterface(provided, 100);
+ Scope scope = container.start(external);
+ }
+ public void testProvidedInterfaces() {
+ Environment env = new Environment(_tracker);
+ Container envcontainer = new Container("0").addComponent(env)
+ .addProvidedInterface(
+ new DefaultProvidedInterface("string", String.class))
+ .addProvidedInterface(
+ new DefaultProvidedInterface("integer", Integer.class));
+ Scope scope = envcontainer.start();
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment" },
+ _tracker.getEvents(Thread.currentThread()).toArray(
+ new String[0]));
+ envcontainer.stop(scope);
+ }
+ public void testCoupleTwoContainers() {
+ Environment env = new Environment(_tracker);
+ Container envcontainer = new Container("0").addComponent(env)
+ .addProvidedInterface(
+ new DefaultProvidedInterface("string", String.class))
+ .addProvidedInterface(
+ new DefaultProvidedInterface("integer", Integer.class));
+ Application app = new Application(_tracker);
+ Container appcontainer = new Container("1").addComponent(app)
+ .addRequiredInterface(
+ new DefaultRequiredInterface("string", String.class))
+ .addRequiredInterface(
+ new DefaultRequiredInterface("integer", Integer.class));
+ Container top = new Container("top");
+ top.addComponent(envcontainer).addComponent(appcontainer);
+ top.start();
+ AssertionUtils.assertEquals(new String[] { "start.environment",
+ "start.application" }, _tracker.getEvents(
+ Thread.currentThread()).toArray(new String[0]));
+ }
+ public void testNonUniqueRequiredInterface() {
+ final Container container = new Container("top");
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("i",
+ Integer.class));
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("x",
+ String.class));
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("y",
+ String.class));
+ Application app = new Application("1");
+ container.addComponent(app);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.start();
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ container.connectExternalRequired("1", app.getRequiredInterfaces().get(
+ 0).getName(), "y");
+ ProvidedInterface i = new DefaultProvidedInterface("i", Integer.class);
+ ProvidedInterface x = new DefaultProvidedInterface("x", String.class);
+ ProvidedInterface y = new DefaultProvidedInterface("y", String.class);
+ Scope externalScope = new DefaultScope(new ProvidedInterface[0]);
+ externalScope.publishInterface(i, 100);
+ externalScope.publishInterface(x, "x-value");
+ externalScope.publishInterface(y, "y-value");
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).setProvider(i);
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(1).setProvider(x);
+ container.getRequiredInterfaces().get(2).setProvider(y);
+ Scope runtime = container.start(externalScope);
+ assertEquals("y-value", app.getString());
+ }
+ public void testNonUniqueRequiredInterfaceWrongNames() {
+ final Container container = new Container("top");
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("i",
+ Integer.class));
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("x",
+ String.class));
+ container.addRequiredInterface(new DefaultRequiredInterface("y",
+ String.class));
+ final Application app = new Application("1");
+ container.addComponent(app);
+ // wrong component name.
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalRequired("2", "x", "y");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ // Wrong interface name of component.
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalRequired("1", app
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName()
+ + "xxx", "y");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ // Wrong external interface name of container
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalRequired("1", app
+ .getRequiredInterfaces().get(0).getName(), "z");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ }
+ public void testNonUniqueProvidedInterface() {
+ final Container container = new Container("top")
+ .addProvidedInterface(new DefaultProvidedInterface("external",
+ String.class));
+ Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
+ Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
+ container.addComponent(env1);
+ container.addComponent(env2);
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.start();
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ // now choose env2
+ container.connectExternalProvided(container.getProvidedInterfaces()
+ .get(0).getName(), env2.getName(), env2.getProvidedInterfaces()
+ .get(0).getName());
+ Scope scope = container.start();
+ // check the value of the provided interface of the container
+ String value = scope.getInterfaceImplementation(container
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0), String.class);
+ assertNotNull(value);
+ assertEquals(value, env2.getString());
+ assertFalse(value.equals(env1.getString()));
+ }
+ public void testNonUniqueProvidedInterfaceWrongNames() {
+ final Container container = new Container("top")
+ .addProvidedInterface(new DefaultProvidedInterface("external",
+ String.class));
+ final Environment env1 = new Environment("env1");
+ final Environment env2 = new Environment("env2");
+ container.addComponent(env1);
+ container.addComponent(env2);
+ // Wrong external provided interface name
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalProvided(container
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName()
+ + "xx", "env1", env1.getProvidedInterfaces().get(0)
+ .getName());
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ // Wrong provided interface name.
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalProvided(container
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName(), "env1", env1
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName()
+ + "xx");
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ // Wrong provided component
+ AssertionUtils.assertException(new AssertionUtils.ErroneousCode() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ container.connectExternalProvided(container
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName(), "env3", env1
+ .getProvidedInterfaces().get(0).getName());
+ }
+ }, SystemAssemblyException.class);
+ }