+- setNonPublic(boolean aNonPublic): by default publicOnly = true
+- add select(Class aType) to select a specific setter as an alternative
+ to the name based selection.
+- add values(Class aType) method for selecting a setter.
+- add add(Class aType) method for selecting a type.
+- verify that superclass setters are also taken into account.
opzoeken waar de provided interfaces van de scope gebruikt worden, als het
goed is nog nergens. Scope moet een Component worden en publiceren van een
_setterConfig = new SetterConfiguration(aClass);
+ /**
+ * Performs injection into an object of the configured class
+ * using information from the given scope.
+ * @param aScope Scope.
+ * @param aObject Object.
+ */
public void inject(Scope aScope, Object aObject) {
_setterConfig.inject(aScope, aObject);