+++ /dev/null
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-<document xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/XDOC/2.0"
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- <properties>
- <title>overview</title>
- <author email="erik@brakkee.org">Erik Brakkee</author>
- </properties>
- <body>
- <section name="Introduction">
- <p>The general support library contains various smaller utilities that can be useful for any
- java project. </p>
- </section>
- </body>
<section name="Overview">
- <p>Utilities are available in the following areas:</p>
+ <p>The general support library contains various smaller utilities that can be useful for any
+ java project. Utilities are available in the following areas:</p>
<li><a href="apidocs/org/wamblee/cache/package-summary.html">Caching</a></li>
<li><a href="apidocs/org/wamblee/classloading/package-summary.html">Classloading</a></li>