package org.wamblee.xmlrouter.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import org.wamblee.xml.XMLDocument; import org.wamblee.xmlrouter.common.Id; import org.wamblee.xmlrouter.subscribe.Destination; /** * Provides robustness for the use of externally provided destinations by * catching null return values and exceptions and providing usable default * return values. * * @author Erik Brakkee * */ public class RobustDestination implements Destination { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(RobustDestination.class.getName()); private Id id; private Destination destination; public RobustDestination(Id aId, Destination aDestination) { id = aId; destination = aDestination; } @Override public String getName() { try { String res = destination.getName(); if (res == null) { logNameReturnedNull(); return Constants.UNKNOWN_DESTINATION_NAME.toString(); } return res; } catch (Exception e) { logNameThrewException(e); return Constants.UNKNOWN_DESTINATION_NAME.toString(); } } @Override public Collection chooseFromTargetTypes( Collection aPossibleTargetTypes) { try { Collection res = destination .chooseFromTargetTypes(aPossibleTargetTypes); if (res == null) { logChooseFromTargetTypesReturnedNull(aPossibleTargetTypes); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } Collection finalRes = new ArrayList(); for (String type : res) { if (!aPossibleTargetTypes.contains(type)) { logChooseFromTargetTypesReturnedInvalidType( aPossibleTargetTypes, type); } else { finalRes.add(type); } } return finalRes; } catch (Exception e) { logChooseFromTargetTypesThrewException(aPossibleTargetTypes, e); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } } @Override public boolean receive(DOMSource aEvent) { try { return destination.receive(aEvent); } catch (Exception e) { logReceiveThrewException(aEvent, e); return false; } } private void logNameThrewException(Exception aE) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "getName() threw exception for destination id " + id + " returning name " + Constants.UNKNOWN_DESTINATION_NAME + " instead", aE); } private void logNameReturnedNull() { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "getName() returned null for destination id " + id + " returning name " + Constants.UNKNOWN_DESTINATION_NAME + " instead"); } private void logChooseFromTargetTypesReturnedInvalidType( Collection aPossibleTargetTypes, String aType) { LOGGER .log( Level.WARNING, "chooseFromTargetTypes() for destination {0} returned invalid type ''{1}'' which is not in the offered set of types {2}", new Object[] { id, aType, aPossibleTargetTypes.toString() }); } private void logChooseFromTargetTypesReturnedNull( Collection aPossibleTargetTypes) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "chooseFromTargetTypes() returned null for destination " + id); } private void logChooseFromTargetTypesThrewException( Collection aPossibleTargetTypes, Exception aE) { LOGGER .log( Level.WARNING, "chooseFromTargetTypes() threw exception for destination " + id, aE); } private void logReceiveThrewException(DOMSource aEvent, Exception aE) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Receive threw exception for destination " + id + " for event " + new XMLDocument(aEvent).print(true), aE); } }